QHR Product Ideas

The spirit of the QHR ideas portal is to collect ideas and feedback from our users for integrations, enhancements, and new features.

We want to hear from you, and encourage you to submit, comment, and vote!

Please note that this site is not regularly monitored, and that there may be a delay in response to your submissions.

QHR reserves the right to choose what is built into the application, and it is the intention of QHR to build the software to meet the needs of the marketplace.

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Non-Providers should be able to request access to ACCUROgo

I am an RN that works Aesthetics and I have to take a lot of photos to document patient muscle movement before and after treatments. Yesterday it took me 45 min to upload 30 photos, I have reached out to Accuro helpdesk and I am doing everything 'correctly' and there is no better way, but it is a very slow process as I am not a provider. I would not have to spend this time if I had ACCUROgo, as I could instantly photograph and put it directly into the patient's chart. This is incredibly frustrating to work with, day after day. I would like Accuro to allow non-providers to be able to have an ACCUROgo account. Even if we had to special-request an account, that would be fine. If we are annoyed enough to reach out, it should be granted. I am wasting a lot of time every day uploading photos. Thank you.

  • Guest
  • Nov 2 2023
  • Needs Review
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