QHR Product Ideas

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Messaging Data is no different then Encounter Data

Medeo Messaging currently stores data in VC.  Messages do not appear in Encounter Notes screens / not available for Generate Letter, not included in Print VC / not searchable in Query Alerts and currently not visible to anyone but the writer.  This fails all the basic purposes (medical,legal,clerical) of a medical record. 

A work-around is to have an encounter note template for Communications. In the past we would record telephone calls there for example.  Now I also use it to write the email to the patx.  Then use "Send to Patient" to send the encounter note(email) as an attachment. This serves as a chart entry that is useful for all Accuro functions. 

Patient replies remain problematic. I have not been able to copy/paste nor print to pdf etc to store their email in a useful way (unless i go to my default mail portal = defeats the whole integration of mail in the EMR). 

Medeo Messaging should be an encounter note & replies become another encounter note.  The record then lives in dated / time sequence, fully readable / searchable / exportable / printable. Technology then is working for the end-user not the other way around.

It is difficult to recommend Medeo Messaging to colleagues given the current "ghost like"nature of how it gets recorded.

I am curious about Video visits. Again, they will be just another encounter and technology should assist in the proper recording in the medical record of at minimum , the occurrence-date/time/nature , of the virtual visit. 

I look forward to the product improving in the near future.

  • Stephen McLaren
  • Apr 7 2018
  • Future Consideration
  • Attach files