QHR Product Ideas

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Before printing from the EMR I would like to mark the page with a watermark or something that says "Patient Copy" or "Copy"

Right now if a patient requests a copy of something I have filed into their EMR chart, I print it off and give it to them. (test results, previous letters, consults from other physicians, etc) I would like to have an option for the printed copy to have something on it marking it as a copy. It would be great to be able to add a watermark saying "Patient Copy" or "Copy" before I print it to distinguish it from the real chart. Also, that will help with any questions regaring privacy and security if that copy is found somewhere it shouldn't be. It would be nice to be able to make our own watermark and have something like a drop down bar to select what we want for each document. If not a watermark, then something we can add to the top of the document that can say the same. Physicians would want this to help with security and privacy acts. Once a copy is released to a 3rd party, it is that party's responsibility. Right now we cannot distinguish where the information came from. It could be used when faxing/printing anything we send to a 3rd party - either a physician, nurse, home care office, patient, etc. In the "paper days" everyone stamped a "copy" stamp onto each sheet.
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  • Jun 20 2016
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