QHR Product Ideas

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queries options "add apt archived history" or something

i want to run a query based on passed ppointments. for example i want to know everyone that has had a certain test by us in the past. see when you book an apt and you apply a macro to that apt type it automatically creats a bill so you cant run your query based on the billing code, because it shows future apts too, which i just want to know if they have had an echo in the past, not future.
  • Shelley Hughes
  • Jun 20 2016
  • Already Exists
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Alison Cooney commented
    August 31, 2020 23:56


    It is possible to restrict query rules to particular dates, to ensure an exclusion of future appointments, including when using billing codes.

    For example, your rules might look like:

    • Appointment Date Between 2020-Jan-01 and 2020-Aug-31 AND Appointment Reason Contain 'Echo'

    • Bill Date Between 2020-Jan-01 and 2020-Aug-31 AND Bill Procedure Code = '08638'

    The majority of the date rule parameters in the Query Builder include options to filter In the Last, In the Next, Before the Last, After the Next, Before, After, Equals, and Between.

    If you would like assistance with building queries with parameters like this, please contact the service desk at 1-866-729-8889; a Client Services Analyst would be happy to help you.

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