QHR Product Ideas

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fast process to enter vitals

Can there be a fast way to access the physical findings - there are multiple mouseclicks and a scroll to enter a BP (done many times in a day, weight, etc) - it would be nice is there was a single click to open the physical findings section. Even a third option in the encounter note (New, Edit, _New Vitals_).
  • Guest
  • Jun 20 2016
  • Needs Review
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  • Raphael Sturm commented
    December 24, 2024 16:04

    Should be way for vitals to update in note without having to go back into vital section (ie. if need to change a measurement)

    Also, if you enter vitals to change a measurement but dont add new vitals, it still saves an entry with no meausremtns and makes it a pain to see prior vitals

  • Guest commented
    December 28, 2017 19:47

    I just started using Accuro and vitals, wt, ht take too much time to enter into the appropriate areas that I stopped after 2 wk which is unfortunate. I trained on and worked with PS Suite. When you type BP or P or T or wt or ht etc in PS suites followed by a space and then # value the #s are automatically pulled out of encounter notes into vitals. Far more user friendly. Please incorporate!

  • Ray Sarrasin commented
    December 21, 2017 20:09

    Or have it auto input the vitals by entering a key word in the encounter note which populates the patient vitals section.

  • Anna Kouptsova commented
    March 13, 2017 12:55

    Also the ability to "open as new" for this section - so if the pt's weight has not changed there is not a need to enter it again.

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