QHR Product Ideas

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Linking Medication with Diagnosis - Medication not shown in History of Problems Screen

1. If you are adding a number of medications, you can’t necessarily view them all because the list could extend beyond the size of the display window and you can’t scroll through them once the ‘linking’ window is open a. I think a better fix would be to display the name of the medication you are linking when the link window pops up—reduces the risk of error (and we really can’t trust this useful linking functionality if we can’t be sure we’re adding the right item) 2. You can’t add more than one diagnosis (sometimes you use medications for more than one purpose in a single individual) at a time. You have to go into the Link Manager (thank you—I didn’t know what that was before now and had never used it) but that’s unwieldy and time consuming, and quite frankly, unlikely to be used because of that. Thanks again for the info—hopefully this can be tweaked,
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  • Jun 20 2016
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