QHR Product Ideas

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printing outstanding invoices

It would be wonderful if accuro would bring back the proper way to print outstanding invoices. As of right now you can only print invoices in reports-outstanding invoices but this showes what user printed it at the bottom of the page as well at the bottom of the page it says page 1 of 400 or 40 of 500 and does not look like the orginal invoice. You should be able to print out the out standing invoices for your entire clinic and it should look like the orginal invoice when you created it. We print our outstanding invoices once a month and this way just doesnt look professional.
  • Guest
  • Jun 20 2016
  • Already Exists
  • Jul 4, 2016

    Admin response

    As indicated in the comment above, you can print outstanding invoices from the Accounts Receivable tab in the Claims section.

  • Attach files
  • Lauren Romano commented
    July 04, 2016 20:54

    You can print outstanding invoices from the Accounts Receivable Tab in the claim section as well. These will appear the same as the original invoices that was generated. Go into the Accounts Receivable Tab, choose the Third Party Insurer, press Find Claims. Then highlight all the outstanding claims > Right click and choose "Print Invoice(s)"

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