QHR Product Ideas

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I frequently have patients fill out forms prior to an appointment using kiosk. I then see the patient and fill out my own form. It would be helpful if I could build a template that draws information from both forms. Currently, a template will only draw from a single form.

This would be most useful for specialists who are writing letters to other physicians. Patients can fill out standardized questionnaires and have the results automatically drawn into the consultation letter. I routinely include the results of patient self-assessment as part of my letters back to the family physician. This is very easily accomplished using tags and templates. Unfortunately, when drawing information from multiple sources (i.e multiple forms) the current system breaks down. I end up consolidating information into a single form manually, which of course is very inefficient. This is very similar in concept to the suggestion made previously that checkboxes on one form should be able to populate other forms. I suspect that it might be easier technically to have templates draw from multiple sources than to have information "forwarded" from form to form.
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  • Jun 20 2016
  • Needs Review
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