QHR Product Ideas

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Quick Add Patient History/PMHX Tab

It is really helpful to have a quick add tab for patient past medical history/history of problems. When I am reading consult letters and want to input a new diagnosis - having to flip into the patients chart, encounter notes and then add is time consuming. A simple button would be immensely helpful. Just like you can create a specific patient bill from teh quick add buttons. 

  • Guest
  • Jun 7 2017
  • Already Exists
  • Jun 9, 2017

    Admin response

    As indicated in the comments, the Quick Patient Actions (Ctrl F10) window will display all the Medical History bands. If you require further assistance, please feel free to reach out to the QHR Client Services Team and we will be happy to help.

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    • Andrew Levstein commented
      June 08, 2017 03:07

      CTRL + F10 brings up a window in which you can view all of the medical history bands.  They can be configured to appear in the same order, or a different order as they appear in the EMR module.

      When you hit CTRL + F10, you should also click the small black button that expands the window vertically (this is different from the "minimize/maximize/exit" buttons at the upper right corner)

      If for some reason the keyboard shortcut doesn't work, add the "Quick Patient Actions" button to your dock at the bottom of Accuro.


    • Guest commented
      June 07, 2017 18:49

      Sadly CTRL F10 does not pull up medical history 

    • Andrew Levstein commented
      June 07, 2017 18:15

      CTRL +F10
