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Be able to caopy and paste labs into a note

Everyone who receives and reviews lab results will benefit.

I use another EMR at another office (MYLES) where you can click on lab results and they autopopulate into a note that you can then see directly from your "encounter notes".


In my experience thus far, managing labs in accuro is more difficult than other EMRs I have worked with like practice solutions, Oscar and several Quebec EMRs like Medesynch and MYLES. In accuro, the process of reading labs in the "labs " section of the encounter notes is rather awkward and cumbersome, as to my understanding, you need to click on each result to view it - which is not practical for reviewing something like a CBC which as many data points. It also does not allow you to group labs into logically related groups (like list all immunoglobulins IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE all together, but lists then in the order they come in from the lab. Strengthening the functionality of the labs management would be a great improvement to the user experience as it is currently one of the most frustrating parts of occuro for specialists that do not sue standard labs like 

A great function in MYLES (another EMR) is that from the lab review screen, you can click on results, they go directly into a note you write from the labs screen and then from that note, you can then send a task to someone (eg: to the nurse saying call patient with results) with the labs already attached. Thus it records that you have seen the results, they are easier to review when you see the patient back and tasking is facilitated without as much retyping of information.

If this is not possible, a helpful alternative would be to be able to copy and paste the text and numbers in the labs (eg: Hemoglobuin = 99).


I have used about 8 other EMRs in various clinical contexts and they are universally all able to copy lab results (results are not image files but covertable to text).


Thanks for your help and looking forward to some exciting changes!




  • Guest
  • Dec 21 2017
  • Needs Review
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    • David Cross commented
      April 07, 2018 23:05

      The 'Labs' summary at the bottom of the Encounter Notes window is useful, but all too limited. As an example, if I have written a letter to a referring physician and wish to include several individual lab results, I can do this, but only as several attachments. It would be so nice to be able to select individual results from the Encounter Notes Lab section (shift-click or control-click as the case may be) and then copy them as tab-delimited data, ready for paste within my letter. To enhance the value of this, the Labs section does need improvement so that a column exists for normal ranges. As a related problem I like to give some patients a copy of some of their results. Printing from the Encounter Labs renders a simple summary, but always includes all of the labs. Ideally, selecting individual results and then right-click for print should give a printout of only the selected results.