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Add a Darker Line separating multiple days

The physician I work for has 3 booking slots per day.  In order for me to book follow up appointments, I usually have the full week showing on my desktop.  It would be helpful to have a darker separator / bar to separate the dates, i.e. Monday last booking slot to Tuesday first slot.

  • Michele Guillemette
  • Dec 4 2018
  • Gathering Your Feedback
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Lauren Romano commented
    January 13, 2021 20:02

    Thanks for the clarification Michele. So a border around all the columns under one specific date, not just around each appointment.

    In the mean time, you might be able to achieve some level of distinction between days with schedule templates. There are 2 formats for the schedule template, either solid or bar. You are currently using solid.

    You could use a bar suggestion in the final column only which might help identify where the next date starts.

    This of course will only be visible when there are spaces without appointments.

  • Michele Guillemette commented
    January 12, 2021 18:05

    Good Afternoon,

    Please see attached examples of a 'blank' schedule, a populated schedule and also a copy of the settings for my physician indicating that the border has already been selected

    As you can see, there is no noticeable difference between the days, unless you look at the top of the schedule which gives the date.... Right now I can tell the difference also because of the color of the bookings...

    What would be nice is to have a thicker / darker separator between days. I used to have only the first 3 columns and that really complicated my bookings because all you saw were the appointments seemingly joined together.


  • Admin
    Lauren Romano commented
    December 21, 2020 22:00

    There is a setting in the Accuro Menu > Scheduler > Scheduler Management > Settings for Show Appointment Border.

    If you have appointments in these booking slots, a thicker border will be around those appointments.

    Alternatively, using Schedule Templates might help if they are not already in use?

    Could you provide a bit more information about how your schedule is currently configured? You can even upload a screen shot, just make sure there isn't any patient information visible in it.