QHR Product Ideas

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Ability to SEARCH a medication in the medication tab

There are often historical prescriptions that need to be researched.   It would be great to have a SEARCH function (like there is in the Virtual Chart tab) in the Medication tab would be very useful.

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  • Dec 18 2018
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      Shelley Hughes commented
      June 06, 2019 13:42

      While it's not a search field, you can use CTRL F within tables in Accuro to search. This functionality works in the Medications tab as well.

      If you find that you have a lot of entries of the same Medications due to managing Chronic Diseases or needing Continuous Medications, there's also an option to "Collapse" your Medication list. Doing this will show you only the most recent of each Medication, making your Medication list smaller. If you need to see the history of the prescription, you can double click on the name to expand again. To do this, click on the little icon at the top of the scrollbar (column chooser) and select the "Collapse Medications" option at the very bottom.

      Hope both of these tips help.

    • Mike Cotterill commented
      June 05, 2019 20:28

      I agree.


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