QHR Product Ideas

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Active Meds to format as a list rather than paragraph in templates

It would be helpful to populate Active Medications into a template as a list rather than a paragraph with clickable dosage options. The paragraph is difficult to look at and it's time consuming to click on all the doses you want. Can there be an option for the active meds to populate in a simple and clear list instead?

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  • Mar 7 2019
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    • Admin
      Alison Cooney commented
      June 07, 2019 21:32


      Within the Template Wizard, when editing a template, there is a Query action option at the top of the editor. It displays as a blue, speech balloon. Once clicked, a Letter Query Editor pop-up window will display allowing you to choose your history items and method of display.

      I have attached some screenshots.

    • Muhammad Arham commented
      June 07, 2019 18:37



      can some one explain where is these? in template editor?

      • Select your Display preference (e.g. One per Line with Details & Date)
      • Specified any other desired preferences for display (e.g. Include External Medications)




    • Admin
      Alison Cooney commented
      March 07, 2019 20:45

      Hi Emily,

      When configuring a template in the Template Wizard, the Query function (blue, speech balloon icon) will allow you to determine how Medical History is formatted to display. This includes entries as a single line, with or without details/dates.


      • Accuro Menu > Tools > Template Wizard > Load your template > Query icon > Medical History Tab

        • Select your History Item (e.g. Active Medications)
        • Select your Display preference (e.g. One per Line with Details & Date)
        • Specified any other desired preferences for display (e.g. Include External Medications)
        • Click <OK>

      Now when that template is used to create a Clinical Note on a patient's chart in the EMR, the Medical History specified will display in the identified format.

      If you would like further assistance with this workflow, please contact our Service Desk at 1-866-729-8889. We are always happy to help.

      Thank you for your feedback.