QHR Product Ideas

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Quick Edit Patient Information

When receiving documents, it is time consuming to switch back and forth between windows where the information is received (documents) to the screen the be able to edit patient information (patient section). It would be helpful if there was a shortcut key that would allow us to edit the selected patient's information on the fly.

  • Guest
  • May 22 2019
  • Already Exists
  • Oct 26, 2020

    Admin response

    You can open any section of Accuro in a second window while keeping the documents section open.

    Hold ALT and click on either Patients or EMR to open these tabs in a separate window, while keeping documents open. These new windows behave independently from the main Accuro window and you could be looking at multiple patients at once.

    Alternately, you could use F3 to open the Virtual Chart and then ALT+Enter on the documents screen to view the Virtual Chart and edit patient demographics at the same time.

    F5 is another great shortcut for documents and allows you to open the current patient's documents only from any screen in Accuro.

  • Attach files
  • Karen MacKenzie commented
    June 07, 2019 16:31

    You can do Alt + Enter in the Documents section but I would like to also be able to do it when I have a document open in the EMR.