QHR Product Ideas

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Provide short cut/icon to print a standard mailing label

Currently you must search out this function by drilling down multiple times - inefficient.  A quick click option would increase office productivity.  

  • Guest
  • Nov 2 2019
  • Already Exists
  • Sep 14, 2020

    Admin response

    As Andrew mentions in the comments: You can add a Quick Action button to the bottom bar for one-click access to an address label. Or, you can configure an address label to print when you click on the patient's name in the Global Patient Bar at the top of the screen.

    Both of these actions would be done in your User Preferences (Accuro Menu > File > User Preferences).

    To add a quick action button: Display > Configure Actions > Uncheck "Only Show Primary Actions" and search for "Label". Then add the corresponding Print/Preview button you wish to use. Press OK to save.

    To change your Status Bar Label: Labels > Status Bar Label Drodpown > Choose Patient Address or alternate label. Press OK to save.

  • Attach files
  • Andrew Levstein commented
    November 04, 2019 02:03

    You can add a Quick Action button to the bottom bar for one-click access to an address label.  Or, you can configure an address label to print when you click on the patient's name in the Global Patient Bar at the top of the screen.