QHR Product Ideas

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Create bill directly from Encounter Note

When completing an encounter note for a patient, the user has to save and close the note, and then right click on the appointment in the History on the left in order to get into the Claim Details to complete their visit. 


It would be nice if you could access the Claim Details right from the Encounter Note. Med Access has this feature. 

Currently Accuro can send the diagnosis to the bill from the Note in some provinces, but you cannot complete the entire bill from here. 

  • Lauren Romano
  • Feb 4 2020
  • Shortlisted
  • Attach files
  • Amy Megyesi commented
    February 04, 2023 19:15

    Would be good to be able to add multiple diagnostic codes to the bill from the bottom R drop down problem list in the encounter note

  • Wesam Salem commented
    November 16, 2020 19:01

    In the EMR module, under the Encounter Notes tab, you can right click on the visit you wish to bill, in the left pane. This will allow you to indicate new bill. While not exactly what you are requesting, it is a similar work-around.

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