QHR Product Ideas

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Prescriptions to autofill the most used Route, Drug Use and Dosage

Have the ability for prescriptions to automatically fill in the most used Route, Drug Use and Dosage once you select the medication.

  • Guest
  • Jun 18 2020
  • Already Exists
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  • Admin
    Lauren Romano commented
    June 22, 2020 21:42

    Each provider can set a default for the most commonly used Drug Use.

    When in any prescription, click on the blue cog wheels and set the value in the dropdown for Default Drug Use that applies to you. Press OK to save. Then the next prescriptions you write, will default the chosen default drug use.

    Route typically populates from the medication format, so once set this will also populate in the same manner as the last time you prescribed this drug.

    To autopopulate the dosage, the best course of action would be to create Prescription Favourites for commonly prescribed drugs.