QHR Product Ideas

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Importing medication summary from DHDR into patient's medical hx bar

In the setting of a specialist's office, it's vital to have the patient's current medication list, and even though our physicians have access to the DHDR, they don't have an easy was to import the list directly into accuro. So they're stock having to manually enter the medications, which is VERY time consuming.

  • Guest
  • Oct 3 2024
  • Needs Review
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    • Peggy Beauchamp commented
      November 04, 2024 23:43

      It would be nice if the drugs from DHDR imported directly into the external meds with today's date. Even the drug name and the strength would be helpful to have imported. We would not want to import everything, perhaps specify a date range and need to avoid duplicates importing (ie if they had the drug refilled multiple times, only import the most currently filled item).