QHR Product Ideas

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When sending a Medeo Invitation to a patient the email to the patient says: Book your appointment now

When sending a medeo invitation to a patient to access a document in Healthmail. The email from Medeo says: "Book your appointment now" It's confusing for the patient so what happens is the patient creates their Medeo login and then books and then cancels the appt.

If the button said "Create your Medeo Account"

To access: Messages and Online booking it would be easier to understand.

  • Guest
  • Apr 13 2021
  • Released
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  • Admin
    Steve Bailey commented
    01 Feb 20:39

    Thanks for this suggestion and I apologise for the much delayed response. We did change the wording within Accuro to "Invite patient to online booking" to clarify what the purpose of that action was. For the purposes of creating an account for messaging, the best invitation is a patient message sent to each patient (which can be done in bulk via Query Builder).

  • Amy Megyesi commented
    November 11, 2022 04:00

    On other patient portals we have been able to customize our invitation messaging. For the amount of money we spend per physician account, we need a more elegant, patient friendly solution. (AND NO SPAMMY EMAILS SELLING MEDEO PLUS...WHAT????! I HAD TO SEND A GROUP MESSAGE ADVISING MY PATIENTS NOT TO SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PREMIUM SERVICE WE DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO USE!)

  • Guest commented
    April 13, 2021 16:57

    We have had quite a few complaints about this from our patient's. We have sat on the phone with patients for 20 mins or so to explain and go through the process. It can be time consuming as they are confused with the initial wording of book your appointment now. It would be very helpful if this was fixed.