QHR Product Ideas

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Stop Lockout screens - very frustrating not being able to escape from a locked screen such as a bill or prescription

It can get very frustrating when one is locked in to a screen such as a prescription, and you need to refer back to the EMR or if you are in a billing screen and you need to refer back to a previous claim to locate a claim number, and you have to stop the process, exit the screen, find your information, and then start all over from scratch. I would like for those screens not to be locked out, or at least allow us to do the Alt+(other field) to access another function. I understand that the lockout is designed so that you don't forget to complete the process, yet it is more cumbersome than helpful! If we could escape and return without closing it, in some fashion it would help a lot!
  • Guest
  • Jun 20 2016
  • Future Consideration
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    • Sammy K. commented
      April 22, 2021 16:45

      Agreed. It's frustrating handling a busy phone system while trying to send a fax. I have to make the patient wait until I am finished typing my cover page message before I can pull up their chart.

    • Guest commented
      February 08, 2021 13:25

      Agreed. I run into this often when trying to fax to a doctor who has multiple locations listed in our address book. I start the fax dialogue, realize there are multiple listings for the recipient in our address book and have to cancel to go back to the chart to find out which location I need. Then I have to start the fax process all over again. At least let me minimize the fax dialogue box in order to find what I need from the chart.

    • Amanda Williamson commented
      October 27, 2020 13:00

      Yes very frustrating when you need to look back at something in order to properly send or enter something.

    • Andrew Lanz-O'Brien commented
      June 08, 2020 16:19

      Agreed, this needs to be fixed. Trying to update the problem list while scrolling through things from the virtual chart is impossible.

    • Ginette Philippot commented
      July 05, 2019 17:19

      This also happens in the Faxing screen.  Sometimes I need to refer back to who it was going to directly as the provider is not in the address book.

    • Agassiz Medical Centre commented
      April 19, 2018 14:25

      In a note >right click > find macro is another place that locks the screen

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