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Changes to Letter Generation action buttons.

Would like to request a review of the Letter Generation. Currently there are 11 buttons that perform the following actions: "Options": Give us a note ability, status and priority. "Add to Letter Queue": Adds the letter to the letter Queue. "Update Letter Queue": Updates the letter queue with the changes you have made. Will not update the clinical note. "Send and next": Will send to recipient and save as a generated letter in the Virtual Chart. Letter is still in letter queue and needs to be removed manually. Accuro will move to the next item, but does not update the clinical notes with the changes you made. "Send letter": Will send letter but keeps the letter open and saves as a generated letter in the Virtual Chart. Letter is still in letter queue and needs to be removed manually. Changes will only save to the clinic note if you press ok or cancel and save the changes. "Print": Will print letter. If you don't "Update letter queue" or "Apply" before you press "Print" ,or "Ok" after you print, your changes aren't saved to the letter or clinical note. "Preview": Shows how the letter will look when completed. "Apply": Making a change and pressing apply will update the clinical note but if you don't press "Update letter queue" the letter does not assume these new changes. "OK": Does not save changes to the letter queue item, it does save changes to the Clinical note. "Cancel": Cancels any new changes made. I would like to propose the following changes for consideration to aid in the Letter Generation being clear and to avoid misunderstanding of the users. This would also reduce the options to 8: "Options": Give us a note ability, Status and priority. "Add to Letter Queue": Add the letter to the letter Queue "Update Letter Queue only": Updates the letter queue with the changes you have made. Will not update the clinical note. "Update Letter Queue and Clinical Note":Updates the letter queue item and updates the clinical note with the changes. "Update Clinical Note only" Will update the changes to the clinical note. Will not update the letter queue. "Send/ print letter": Will send or print letter based on what you "tick", and immediately close it. Saves as a generated letter in the VC. Letter is removed from the letter queue. Client would be required to choose the above three options before "Send letter" "Preview": shows how the letter will look when completed. "Cancel": Cancels any new changes made, will warn you to pick the update options to avoid loss of work before pressing "Ok" to "Cancel".
  • Guest
  • Jun 20 2016
  • Needs Review
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    • Erika Lachance commented
      September 08, 2017 14:34

      When you edit a letter from there, ok saves it to the chart and cancel gives you the option to save to the chart. However this is not self explanatory. 

      As one would assume when you choose to edit the letter from the letter queue, your changes would be saved to the letter queue. That is why you opened letter queue and choose edit. 

      I realize this is why you added update letter queue button. However clarity could still be incorporated. 

      To make the function of OK clear and useful to all users, I suggest a pop up that says, 
      Yes, update this letter in letter queue 
      No, save to chart only. 
      Or something along those lines.

      - From Dave Guenther

    • +1