QHR Product Ideas

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Macro for Gestational Age

In our former EMR, there was a gestational age calculator. When a patient presented for a prenatal visit, we were able to know exactly how many weeks along she was. This could then be copied into our encounter note. I understand this can be enabled in the prenatal record; however, some visits are unrelated to a routine prenatal. Also, I feel it would make building a prenatal record FORM would be much easier with this macro.

  • Wesam Salem
  • Jan 14 2017
  • Gathering Your Feedback
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    • Leslie Soopalu commented
      September 30, 2020 10:39

      While the macro is an interesting idea, I think having a gestational age calculator in the demographic (and therefore able to put in the demographic status bar) is more useful. Then it could be used in forms and more importantly always visible.