QHR Product Ideas

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Pull obstetric due date into forms

Many forms related to prenatal care require the due date. the LMP calculator is not adequate because we usually assign due dates based on early ultrasound, not LMP. This information is already in the EMR (e.g. the BC prenatal form). Even if it weren't in the EMR, if there were somewhere to create this information so it only had to be input once and then could be leveraged to avoid repetitive data entry this would be really helpful.

  • Amy Megyesi
  • Jul 9 2022
  • Needs Review
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    • Guest commented
      September 06, 2022 15:08

      It is possible to get it to pull the EDD from a custom field, but I don't know how to show you through this format.

      In addition to the above request, it would be nice if we had the option to add data to the perinatal record (the record that is used for most prenatal care in Canada/Ontario), and have that data immediately populate in the custom demographics or the demographics section. Right now, we have our patients complete a health history questionnaire, and the data they input automatically enters into the patient demographics, but when we get a known estimated due date based on the first trimester ultrasound, we update the due date in the perinatal record. It would be nice for this data to then be reflected in the demographics. The same is true if the provider realizes that the patient is allergic to a substance or is taking another medication, it would be helpful to be able to add that info to the perinatal record and have it populate in the demographics as well.

      Basically, we would like to get info from the patient through the health history questionnaire which would populate in the demographics, and then going forward, to allow the user to primarily input new data in the perinatal record and have it update the demographics as needed going forward rather than having to edit the demographics, opening the perinatal record and clicking the refresh button.

    • Amy Megyesi commented
      July 09, 2022 03:48

      PS I tried creating custom labs and then pulling in the custom lab values, but it didn't work (don't know why.)