QHR Product Ideas

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Upload Documents - File Sub Type default

We are able to use Batch mode when filing documents from the Document section, BUT we are not able to to use batch mode or select NONE or leave blank when in the EMR upload documents to the VC.

There should be a default of NONE or the ability to batch mode so that documents can be filed quickly to the correct folder.

  • Guest
  • Feb 1 2017
  • Needs Review
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Oren Steen commented
      February 03, 2017 23:29

      Hi Shelley,

      I upload from the EMR section rather than Documents section.
      As you can see, it defaults to Barium Swallow as the File Sub Type. I’d rather it be blank.


      Oren Steen MD, FRCPC
      LMC Diabetes & Endocrinology
      Office: (416) 645-2929
      Fax: (416) 645-2930

    • Guest commented
      February 03, 2017 22:39

      Thank you Shelley, we tested again and it works as you described.

    • Admin
      Shelley Hughes commented
      February 03, 2017 21:43

      Could you elaborate? When uploading from the Virtual Chart Document Uploader you only have to select the Type/Sub-Type for one Document as it is set for all that you upload at once.  The Virtual Chart Uploader is effectively a batch upload.

    • Oren Steen commented
      February 02, 2017 23:06

      That would be extremely helpful!