QHR Product Ideas

The spirit of the QHR ideas portal is to collect ideas and feedback from our users for integrations, enhancements, and new features.

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Add the ability to copy and paste from the Encounter Summary tab (with formatting preserved)

Currently, to create a new follow-up note, we have to copy and paste the last note from it's encounter. This requires the step of opening the prior encounter, selecting, copying and then closing the old encounter. Being able to copy and paste from the encounter summary view would save the steps of opening and closing the old encounter (~25 seconds per patient).

  • Guest
  • Feb 23 2017
  • Needs Review
  • Attach files
  • ronnie aronson commented
    February 23, 2017 18:57

     Many users are using the data merging tools that bring in current and prior lab results and other customized assessments (Vital signs, pump settings, hypoglycaemia incidence, etc) into the new encounter. The function "open as new"  misses that hugely valuable function. 

  • Andrew Levstein commented
    February 23, 2017 18:14

    Why don't you just right-click on the previous note, and click "Open as New".  That will make a copy of the old note into a new note.