QHR Product Ideas

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Preferred Contact Method is displayed on demographics status bar in EMR

When looking through labs and documents, I often call the patient directly if necessary and I use the number displayed on the name bar at the top.  However, this is defaulted to the patient's home phone number which is often not their preferred contact method.  Could the top number default to their preferred contact to avoid having to go to the patient demographics tab?

  • Guest
  • Oct 20 2017
  • Already Exists
  • Sep 14, 2020

    Admin response

    As Andrew mentioned in the comments, you can already indicate the preferred contact method on the Demographics Status Bar (at the top, or sometimes bottom, of Accuro).

    Go into the Accuro Menu > File > User Preferences

    In the Display tab along the left, then Display along the top there are 2 lines for Demographics Status Bar.

    In the text space of these lines, click your mouse where you want the phone numbers to display. You'll likely want to type labels for Home, Cell, Work, etc.

    Then, next to each of your labels, right-click and hover over patient to find the corresponding tags. Alternatively, copy and paste the following into your Status Bar.


    Press OK to save all changes.

    Now, as long as you have a preferred contact method set, in the demographics, the preferred number will appear bold in the status bar.

  • Attach files
  • Andrew Levstein commented
    October 20, 2017 23:52

    It is easy to add all phone numbers to the status bar at the top, under user preferences.  Once you have Home, Work and Cell displayed, the preferred number will be displayed in bold.

    In user preferences, under Display and Display, right click in the Status bar lines to pick the phone numbers from the patient section.
