QHR Product Ideas

The spirit of the QHR ideas portal is to collect ideas and feedback from our users for integrations, enhancements, and new features.

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Stop forcing Prescription duration

When medications are Rx it is not usually known if that medication will be tolerated or effective, and therefore we should not force a "duration" of the medication, except for a short term prescription.  The options should exist just to enter number of tablets/inhalers/vials, etc.


When a medication is first prescribed, common practice should be to dispense only 1 month for first fill in case of any adverse effects etc, but if tolerated then refill could be for 3  months at a time.   When I use the option on the PRescription module,  most pharmacists do not follow the instruction and continue to fill 1 month at a time even if I wrote refill quantity "100".  This includes Shoppers Drug Mart.  Is there a way to make this more clear and improve prescribing practice on both ends?

  • Milan Patel
  • Aug 16 2019
  • Gathering Your Feedback
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