QHR Product Ideas

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Medeo reminder emails

For patients scheduled for a virtual visit in Medeo- we would love an automatic reminder closer to the appointment time to remind them where and how to log in and be ready for the video visit (ie: maybe 1 hour or 30 min before appt an email reminder). When follow ups are booked for virtual visits a few weeks out, the patient gets a notice the day it is booked, but not again, so are having to hunt through their email to try and find the information they need

  • Pam Sproul
  • May 1 2020
  • Already Exists
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    • Lauren Romano commented
      May 04, 2020 22:24

      Thank you for the additional information Pam, you can alter the appointment reminders with Cliniconex based on appointment type. If you create a new appointment type for your Virtual Visits, Cliniconex can work with you to customize those reminders only.

      I have reached out to your Practice Consultant to touch base with you.

    • Pam Sproul commented
      May 04, 2020 22:01

      Hi Lauren,

      We do already have those reminders in Accuro through Cliniconex, but are hoping for something a little more specific to the virtual appointments only, so they can go out a very short time before the virtual visits with the Medeo Health links already included in the email reminder so patients can easily follow those to get online in time for their video call.

      Thank you and take care,

      Pam Sproul


      Office Manager

      Waterloo Sports Medicine Centre

      12-65 University Ave E

      Waterloo, ON, N2J 2V9

      p:519-746-2220 f:519-746-2295

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    • Lauren Romano commented
      May 04, 2020 21:53

      Although Medeo does not have it's own Appointment Reminders. We have a partner that allows you to send emails, texts or voice calls to patient's based on the appointments that are already scheduled in Accuro.

      For more information on Appointment Reminders please contact us at 1-866-454-4681