QHR Product Ideas

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search for pharmacy by city in address book

When a pharmacy has been added and it is a chain (ie) Shoppers drug mart, being able to narrow your search to put it in the patients chart by city for example would save time in searching through the whole list of pharmacies just to populate it in the patients demographic tab.

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  • Oct 8 2020
  • Gathering Your Feedback
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  • David Smith commented
    October 29, 2020 21:02

    As a specialist's practice we fax to pharmacies from the Soo to North Bay and from Kingston to Guelph. We have hundreds of pharmacies in our address book, all entered individually. We just enter the pharmacy name data using the same format for every one i.e. "city, street name, pharmacy name, chain" e.g. "Newmarket Davis Drive Bob's IDA". We can enter any one of those identifiers in the search field and the desired entry pops up.