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Copy and Paste Form Components Between Different Forms

I spend a lot of time creating custom forms with dozens of components. Often these are requisitions or specialist intake forms. Sometimes the original form gets updated or slightly revised, requiring me to upload the new PDF. Then I need to redo ALL of the various components for the majority of the form that hasn't changed. It would be much more useful and time saving if I could somehow copy a selected number of components and then paste them into a different form in that same configuration. After that I could adjust the components as needed.

  • Hanni Darwish
  • Nov 23 2020
  • Already Exists
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Lauren Romano commented
    December 02, 2020 17:19

    Discussed with Dr. Darwish and found a solution:

    • The best option is using the export/import of XML files to copy many components across forms

    • When exporting a form to XML (Form Editor > Tools > Export Form to File) ensure the File name does not contain any special characters. (this is what was preventing the XML file from saving previously)

    • When the XML file is imported to a new form (Form Editor > Tools > Import Form from File) it will wipe out/replace the background of the Form (watermark)

    • To retain the original background of your form and import the components from an XML file on top of it, use the following steps:

      1. Create your new form in the Form Editor From File selecting the PDF you wish to use as the background

      2. Right-click and edit the Watermark on this new form

      3. In the Elements tab, click the Add button to add a new element to the watermark. I suggest using TextField from the Type dropdown. Click Save and then OK to save

      4. Drag and drop your Watermark/TextField component to the Custom Components heading in the Saved Components panel on the left

      5. Under Tools, choose Import Form from File and find your previously saved XML file

      6. Once imported, your background will be replaced with whatever background was on your XML file. If there is a watermark you don't want, right-click on the component and Remove

      7. Drag and drop your Custom Component from step 4 onto the form

      8. Right-click on the new watermark, go to the Elements tab and click the Remove button to remove the TextField. Click OK to save

  • Hanni Darwish commented
    November 26, 2020 17:22

    Thank you for the suggestions to help with my issue. I have created a custom component now that contains all of the patient demographics, so I can drop it onto a new form and move the pieces around. It’s still more cumbersome than I’d like, but it’s a help.

    Changing the watermark is not great because it takes several minutes to upload a new photo and it is often of much worse quality than how QHR creates the background image from PDF. Adjusting the quality of photo doesn’t seem to solve the issue of background quality.

    I was most excited about exporting the file to xml and then importing into a new document. But for some reason the xml file doesn’t get created after export. There is no file to select for import. I’ve tried this from different computers and saving the xml into different locations. Is there a step I am kissing to create the xml file?

  • Admin
    Lauren Romano commented
    November 23, 2020 22:31

    You have a few options here:

    1. You can actually change the background of a form. There is a component on the form called Watermark. You'll see a faint blue square in the upper left corner of the form. Right-click > Edit on this to edit the Watermark component. Here, you can upload a new background to the form. The file type must be an image rather than PDF

    2. You can "copy" individual groups of components. You can't select more than one group unfortunately, but if you have a component group, click, hold and drag it over to the Custom Components heading on the left under Saved Components. Then, open the new form, and you can drag and drop your component group from the Custom Components section onto the new form. You do not need to save this as an actual component, but can use this as a temporary location.

    3. Export Form to File: Under the Tools menu in the Form Editor there is an option to export your form and it's components to an .xml file. You likely will want to delete the Watermark (background) so that the form is merely the components. You can then choose the option Export Form to File and save your .xml file. Then open your new form with your new background image, and go back to Tools > Import Form from File. Find the .xml file you just saved, and all the components from the old form will be place on top of the new form.

    If you still feel none of these options meet your needs please clarify what could be done differently to enhance this part of the program.