QHR Product Ideas

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Bulk review labs from the F7 screen

When I am seeing a patient and multiple doctors in the clinic have been copied on the results, if one doctor has not signed off on the results, there is a red ! flag in the top left hand corner identifying an outstanding task. When I double click the red ! or I hit F7, a list of unreviewed labs shows up. Often the hospital copies multiple docs on the same test, and if I know that doc does not need to see those results, I can complete those labs to make his or her life easier. However, in the F7 window, I can't shift+click to select multiple results and complete them all at once. The only way it will allow me to complete them all is by reviewing them, one by painful one. There has to be a better way.

  • Amy Megyesi
  • May 4 2023
  • Needs Review
  • Attach files