QHR Product Ideas

The spirit of the QHR ideas portal is to collect ideas and feedback from our users for integrations, enhancements, and new features.

We want to hear from you, and encourage you to submit, comment, and vote!

Please note that this site is not regularly monitored, and that there may be a delay in response to your submissions.

QHR reserves the right to choose what is built into the application, and it is the intention of QHR to build the software to meet the needs of the marketplace.

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Make it simpler for patients to access

During this pandemic, we have used the Medeo healthmail for emailing requisitions to patients and approximately 25% of patients are unable to access the attachment. They find it difficult to navigate and end up asking us to print the req'n and come in to pick it up, defeating the purpose of using health mail.

  • Guest
  • May 20 2020
  • Needs Review
  • Attach files
  • Amanda L commented
    October 29, 2021 17:31

    agreed! or just unable to get into their account even though they know the password is correct. Not user friendly....wasn't ready to be released. Make it better for parents with children accounts. One parent having three kids with three different emails is not good. Hard enough to get them to register one account let alone 3.

    They should also be able to send us a message without an "open" message already. They end up sending a regular email with issues again defeating the purpose. :(

  • Carol Holmes commented
    May 26, 2020 04:26

    patietns seem to be unable to open attachment on their phone and need be on computer from what we are told