QHR Product Ideas

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Need "Chart reminders"

We need an item - perhaps a new type of Task - that can be used as chart-specific reminders for various classes of user. Behaviour: -- 1. Reminder pops-up dialog, or are otherwise visually distinctive, when a provider enters a chart. (Having tasks "hidden" behind and within the F7 screen isn't enough; neither is having an icon in the status bar at the bottom - it has to be much more visible and imperative) -- 2. Have a simple message: "Patient over due for PAP test" with a simple interface to dismiss, postpone etc. (The F7 window is somehow overloaded. Physicians don't use it because, perhaps, its too complex) --3. For the front-desk, the reminders should appear when a patient name is entered, or a schedule booking selected (tantamount to the same thing). These should be 'front-desk' or 'admin' reminders, e.g. "Check if patient will enroll", "Check if smoker and give smoker questionnaire") --4. Reminders, like Tasks, should be able to be created from Query results, so we can construct searches for patients and then set reminders for the whole result set. --5. Reminders do NOT have to be allocated to a staff, unlike Tasks. Reminders might get allocated to staff later, but not necessarily in the first instance. They are more chart-related than staff-related. --6. Reminders should NOT appear in the a staff members' Task list by default. There might be thousands of reminders associated with thousands of charts, and to have this whole lot appear on someone's task list is inappropriate; it's noise, and unhelpful. --7. Reminders might tie-in with CDM Worksheets. They ought. Perhaps Reminders could be elements of a worksheet; or perhaps overdue worksheet items generate reminders? Perhaps the CDM Editor could offer to create a Reminder if an item becomes overdue. Perhaps there could be a many-to-many mapping of Worksheet items to reminders, so the that a worksheet could have a relatively sophisticated behaviour with reminders e.g. Overdue blood results could map to one type of reminder "Blood work needed", so 8 overdue results dont result in 8 reminders; whereas others might be 1-to-1, such as "PAP test overdue". --8. Reminders should be "queriable" so you can generate a list of 'overdue PAP' patients as a precursor to sending reminder letters. --9. Reminders should have user-defined states, with the option to link states to claims. e.g. perhaps a reminder "FOBT test required" might have a state "patient consulted, test given". This maps directly with a Ontario billing code. Another state might be "patient consulted, test refused", which would map to a different billing code. We can't say in advance which states are needed for which Reminders - so best to have a "manage..." control. Anyway, just a thought.
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  • Jun 20 2016
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