QHR Product Ideas

The spirit of the QHR ideas portal is to collect ideas and feedback from our users for integrations, enhancements, and new features.

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Please note that this site is not regularly monitored, and that there may be a delay in response to your submissions.

QHR reserves the right to choose what is built into the application, and it is the intention of QHR to build the software to meet the needs of the marketplace.

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Pop-Up reminder for near expiry of healthcard

Healthscreen has this feature, if the healthcard on file is near the expiration date (or actually expired) , a pop-up reminder appears to alert the user to this fact. This would be a nice feature for Accuro to borrow!
  • Andrew Levstein
  • Jun 20 2016
  • Gathering Your Feedback
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  • Admin
    Alison Cooney commented
    August 25, 2020 00:02

    While this is not automated in Accuro, there are workarounds that can manage it semi-automatically. The most effective way would be to create a Query Alert:

    • Accuro Menu > Reports > Query Builder

    • Click the green + to create a new query; name your query and then set your rule parameters (e.g., health card expiry date = in the last 5 years)

    • Once your rule is created, click the cogwheel icon; set your warning and alert level, and include in Tasks, if desired; click <OK> when done

    • <Run Report> > <Run>

    • To ensure Query Alerts display in your patient status bar: Accuro Menu > File > User Preferences > Display > Alerts > Check: Alert Violations > <Apply> > <OK>

    • Patients who violate the alert will have a red ! display in the status bar, and once their expiry field is updated, they will not longer violate the alert and the ! will be removed automatically

    If you would like to review the above steps, please call the service desk at 1-866-729-8889; a Client Services Analyst would be happy to assist you.

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