QHR Product Ideas

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Fax document attached to a task

When a doctor sends us a task to fax a result (for example) to another office, we need to go back to the virtual chart to do this. This increases the risk that someone will send the wrong attachment. If we could right click on the attachments in the task, click on fax and send it, it would elimate all chance of error and would be much faster.
  • Guest
  • Jun 20 2016
  • Released
  • Mar 2, 2017

    Admin response

    A feature to address this idea is currently scheduled for the 2017.01 iteration of Accuro. Should QHR Technologies be required to reschedule the feature, an additional comment will be added to advise of the new schedule.

    Upon release, the Idea will be marked as Completed and QHR Technologies will provide further detail on the implemented solution.

  • Attach files
  • Jami Neufeld commented
    28 Feb 21:59

    This is really necessary and would decrease time to fax, mistakes, and also be a more intuitive workflow.

  • Ginette Philippot commented
    February 26, 2018 17:06

    The ability to fax multiple attachments would help tremendously as we would not have to go back into the virtual chart and select every document that would be attached.  This would help in efficiency also, patient information would be forwarded as soon as possible.

  • Ray Sarrasin commented
    January 02, 2018 19:31

    That's great news that we can fax task attachments but it only works if there's a single attachment.  It doesn't work with multiple task attachments.

  • Admin
    Shelley Hughes commented
    January 02, 2018 18:52

    Users are able to Fax from Mail and Task Attachments as of the 2017.01 release that was made available between July - August (depending on your province).

    For more information on this feature, please see the video and other highlights for the release here: http://www.accuroemr.com/releases/

  • Ray Sarrasin commented
    November 29, 2017 21:52

    Getting towards the end of 2017 and this feature still doesn't seem to be available.  Will it be available before end of 2017?

  • Guest commented
    October 27, 2016 17:50

    It would save us time as sometimes doctors send up to 40 attachments and then we have to go back and forth manually to make sure its the same results and documents and generate a letter for a referral, it takes a lot of time! 

  • Guest commented
    October 13, 2016 18:51

    I agree! have wanted this feature for a long time!

  • +11