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Restore the way labs were matching

with the recent accuro update,

  1. Matching Labs, OLIS and HRM (ON) Incoming labs from HRM or OLIS are only matched to a patient if the Last Name, First Name, PHN and the Date of Birth all match. If any one item is different, the lab is not matched to a patient.

the clinic now has to spend much more time matching labs because the hospital or lab includes patient middle name as part of the first name etc

health card numbers are unique identifiers

  • Maria S
  • Apr 11 2019
  • Retired
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    • Maria S commented
      June 11, 2019 13:48

      Thank you for correcting this issue.

    • Admin
      Shelley Hughes commented
      May 05, 2019 22:07

      Thanks Dr. Vandewalle,

      I will look into this.

    • Guest commented
      April 27, 2019 13:28

      Hello Shelley.  You are right and you are wrong.  OMD does want Accuro to match names exactly but Accuro has a built in inherent error that you are in control of when matching that is a problem.  If we use the nickname function (eg Patient is named John Frank McLab but goes by Frank, then I use the nickname function, so that Frank is in brackets.  According to Accuro when I use the nickname function his new first name is "John (Frank)" and according to the lab his name is "John", so now it looks like it not matching.  Same for postal code:  Lab has N5K1E0 and Accuro as N5K 1E0.  The difference is a space in the Accuro version.   OMD doesn't want that you have to have the same format, only that the 6 letter numbers match.  They don't care that there is or is not a space.  This is an Accuro specific problem, not a OMD specification.  In both our charts the first name in my example is John.  It is not John (Frank) as Accuro assumes.   So please fix this.   You should be able to ignore the nickname when matching.  BTW, when we called your helpdesk, they said I only need to match this once and next time it will match, but that is not true.  I have to do it each time, unless I get rid of the nickname.  That makes no sense. This is a lot of extra work!

    • Maria S commented
      April 25, 2019 18:08

      I can understand ensuring that the produce remains certified, but when we receive results and the patients name come in with brackets, asterisk, middle names includes as a first name and all from the same sender and we have to spend the time matching??? 

      Does the sender not have rules that they need to follow  ie the name on the patient's health card?

    • Admin
      Shelley Hughes commented
      April 12, 2019 18:40

      Thank you for your feedback.  QHR has recently successfully completed the OntarioMD Certification release PC-2018-01.  As part of the certification, the EMR OLIS and EMR HRM specifications were updated which included changes to lab matching.  QHR was required to follow the specifications to ensure our product remained certified and our customers remained integrated with the provincial EHR products and services. We will not be able to make changes to the lab matching as we will not be compliant with the specifications.