QHR Product Ideas

The spirit of the QHR ideas portal is to collect ideas and feedback from our users for integrations, enhancements, and new features.

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Make macros useable in more places

Macros are only useable in certain places. The inconsistency of their places for use minimizes their effectiveness and the efficiency they could provide. I would very much like to use macros in the description areas for documents as well as in forms (like the prenatal form). It would also be very convenient if they could be used in the description section in the area where documents are filed - this is a way for staff to consistently and correctly file items with appropriate descriptions/labelling and in the Medical History Bands. I have asked for this before years ago...please consider making it more of a priority. Thank you:)

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  • Jan 11 2021
  • Gathering Your Feedback
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    • Amy Megyesi commented
      July 24, 2022 04:45

      It would also be helpful to pull specific pieces of history, e.g. medications only, in specific formats, into forms that already request this information. These pieces should also be editable so we can remove irrelevant pieces of history when needed.

    • Luba O'Brien commented
      April 01, 2021 14:38

      Immunizations - use macro or F12 stamp for adminis

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