QHR Product Ideas

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Macros in the Annotate section

I would like to see the ability to use macros in the annotate section so that for instance when we receive prescription renewals we can have a macro that states "Patient must be seen with appointment for prescription renewals"  or something to that effect.  Macros in this section would be very useful. 

  • Sheila Volk
  • Sep 13 2016
  • Gathering Your Feedback
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    August 16, 2022 16:52

    its been six years! Any hope of this ever happening?!

  • Amy Megyesi commented
    May 28, 2022 02:44

    This is critical for responding to nursing home faxes. In BC if we write a med order for a nursing home we need to write the Rx, quantity, our name, CPSID, date, as well as a wet signature. We need to leverage the power of the EMR to reduce repetitive tasks as much as possible.

  • Tara F commented
    November 16, 2021 14:25

    Is there any update on this? My physician asks about this almost weekly.

  • Tara F commented
    September 07, 2021 20:57

    Annotating is great but is there a way to use MACROs when annotating. This would be a great feature to please add.

  • Guest commented
    April 08, 2021 16:02

    I would like to see a DATE associated with my signature, either a default offer or potentially a macro. Frequently prescription have been returned because dates are missing. Associating date automatically with my signature in the annotate section seems a quick solution

  • Admin
    Shelley Hughes commented
    September 13, 2016 22:28

    Great suggestion. Thank you for submitting the idea to us. Hope you are liking the document annotations!