QHR Product Ideas

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Link Medeo patients to Accuro based on Health Care Card Number NOT Email

Multiple family members sometimes share a single email address.   If there are multiple family members with an invitation to use private online booking, the booking is linked ?alphabetically to the first patient in the list with the same email address.  Medeo should be using more than just the email address to link to a patient in Accuro.  It is not reliable - causes more work for staff and patient to have to decline the appointment, link the correct patient and have the patient rebook. 

  • Melanie Wigston
  • Jan 27 2020
  • Retired
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      Steve Bailey commented
      February 01, 2024 21:46

      Lots to unpack here but unpack I will because there's been a lot of upvotes. Apologies for the time it's taken for someone to respond to this but that doesn't mean that no one has been reading these suggestions.

      I'll start with the underlying request here - parent / child accounts are a thing for sure. It's unreasonable to expect everyone to have an email address - that goes for the young and the elderly. We have work in progress, to be released in the next few weeks (subject to change), which will work with the Medeo Patient Booking in Accuro, and mean that a parent can book for their child (or actually anyone) without the child needing an account. We've got lots of iterations planned for this too.

      Secondly, we've been very much aware of the possibility of linking to the wrong patient. Our matching logic uses first name, last name and date of birth to try and match and if that fails then it's a manual linking effort. Patients who have been linked incorrectly can be unlinked with the Unlink button on the demographic screen.

      Finally, Health Card Number cannot be a required field for us due to the fact that Medeo (the patient facing app) does not need the card number. Now, you'd expect that because Accuro Engage (the provider side of things) DOES use a health card number that that would suffice. But unfortunately because someone could sign up for Medeo and not have a provider using Engage there are provincial legislations in place which say that that is why Medeo cannot collect it.
      Added to that as the health card is required for billing, many clinics have suggested that they don't trust the entry from the patient anyway, and want to see the card for themselves.

    • Amy Megyesi commented
      November 11, 2022 03:57

      clearly the computer programmers have never been responsible for a child or an elderly parent, or had a shared family email address...they couldn't possibly conceive of why email addresses don't always have a 1:1 correspondence. their workaround (creating alias email addresses for children) is patently ridiculous. Even being a tech geek and MD, it was too daunting for me to set up my own children.