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Include entire Fax Cover Sheet in the Virtual Chart, not just the "Note" from the coversheet message

Fax Cover Sheet - No "Written To" value when saved in Patient Chart

When a letter is faxed with a cover sheet, the Fax Cover Sheet (Which appears as a separate file and not part of the sent letter - another issue) does not display who the fax was sent to. The value "Written To" is blank. When the letter is originally sent, the recipient's name appears here but for some reason it does not save it when reviewing the Fax Cover Sheet file in the chart. This causes confusion.

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  • Jun 20 2016
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    Lauren Romano commented
    December 14, 2020 22:23

    The Fax Cover Sheet is saved to the Virtual Chart as a Note. Notes are reminiscent of Mail Messages which are typically "written to" another user.

    The Note entry in the Virtual Chart which contains the Fax Cover Sheet message shows the user who wrote the message (Written by). But the message was not written to another user, which is why "Written to" is blank.

    I can understand how this is confusing since the fax was in fact sent to (or written to) someone. But because the actual cover sheet is not saved to the Virtual Chart, you can only see who the fax was sent to in the Fax Manager.

    This idea is perhaps more asking for the entire fax coversheet to be saved in a patient's Virtual Chart rather than accessing it from the Fax Manager.

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