QHR Product Ideas

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referral letter text should come before History of Problems etc.

When generating a referral letter, the text of the letter is automatically put at the bottom of the letter, AFTER the medical history, medications, allergies etc. I do not know of anyone who prefers to send or receive letters in this format. It believe this is a very unorthodox format for a referral letter, unique to Accuro as far as I can tell. I have had to resort to different time-consuming workarounds to correct this issue, none completely satisfactory. I am aware that there are workarounds for this problem, but I am requesting that the default option be changed to a conventional referral letter format with the text of the letter first, and automatic addition of medical band data to the END of the letter.
  • Guest
  • Jun 20 2016
  • Needs Review
  • Attach files
  • Ian Gebhardt commented
    December 20, 2020 02:39

    I aslo don't like the order of the standard letter, so instead I deselected all options in the Medical History on the left margin of the Generate Letter window. I then created my own letter template (see below). You may find some of the ideas useful.

    Urgency of Referral: [Emergent (0-48 hours, speak with Consulting Provider)|Urgent: =< 2 weeks|Routine: => 2 weeks|Update from Primary Care Provider]

    Type of Consultation requested: [One time consultation|Shared Care|Transferred Care]

    Reason for Referral:{• get advice about therapy|

    • obtain assistance with making a diagnosis|

    • confirm a diagnosis|

    • perform a diagnostic procedure|

    • learn more about treatment options|

    • perform a therapeutic procedure|

    • assistance in ruling out or ruling in a potentially dangerous condition|

    • confirm the current management plan|

    • problem complexity out of scope|

    • hand over problem to specialist care|

    • initiate joint management of problem}

    History of presenting complaint:

    <PATFIRSTNAME> is [a|an] <PATAGEUNITS> old <PATGENDERFULL> [, known to you, ]who presents with a [1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 ] [day|week|month|year|longstanding|lifelong] history of

    right click add add <MHXPROBLEM>

    right click and add <MHXSURGICAL>


    Clinical Warnings: [none recorded]

    Information given to patient:

    {• role of referred specialist in the patient's care|

    • purpose of referral|

    • advised that some fees might not be covered by the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan and if so, such fees are likely to be charged|

    • advised the patient to complete outstanding tests in advance of the specialist appointment}

    Test results and historical notes: [see attachments|see below|none|pending]

    I hope you find this helpful.

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