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To quickly add new pdf documents to patient charts

We are receiving many transfer chart requests from patients. The charts come in electronic form in pdf format and need to be loaded into Accuro. Some of them contain hundreds of documents. Currently, there is no way to quickly and efficiently load a folder containing pdf documents into Accuro. The only (slow)  way is in the Documents section, which requires to tediously select each document one by one before sending them to the virtual chart. There is no option to Select All documents, and Shift function to select many documents in one shot, as it is standard in other systems.

I am suggesting to  add Select All feature and also make Shift function operational to select  a range of documents for loading.

  • Guest
  • Jan 27 2017
  • Already Exists
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Shelley Hughes commented
    January 31, 2017 22:38


    There is a way of doing this, but the Documents will all have the same Document Type, Sub-Type (if using), and Dates. 

    Here's how:

    In Accuro go to the Virtual Chart of the patient that you are uploading the chart for.  There's 4 buttons just below the patient search field, click the Green Plus.  A window will open called "Upload Documents".  Click the Green Plus at the bottom of the window. Navigate to the folder all the items are in. Once you go to it, use the Windows keyboard command "Ctrl + A" to select All then press Open. You will see all your selected Documents listed now. Once you change the Type, Sub Type and Dates for one all the Documents will upload with the same properties.

    You can also do this by first going to the folder on your computer and pressing Ctrl +A to select all, Ctrl + C to copy, then when you're in Accuro on the patient's Virtual Chart you press the same green plus then as soon as the "Upload Documents" window opens just press Ctrl + V to paste.  Same end result, just a different method.

    Hope that helps!