QHR Product Ideas

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When a lab report is unmatched , locate patient allows matching. If multiple reports come in for same patient, locate patient has to be repeatedly done. Could the demographic data correction be applied to all subsequent lab reports ?

  • David Macneil
  • Apr 26 2019
  • Already Exists
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Alison Cooney commented
    August 10, 2020 19:02

    The above comments are correct; if you have multiple unmatched labs for the same patient, you can use CTRL+Click to multi-select them (or Shift+Click if they are all together), then click the <Locate Patient> button to match them all to the same patient (or create a new patient profile and match them to that). If you require assistance or would like to review these workflows, please call the service desk at 1-866-729-8889; a Client Services Analyst would be happy to assist you.

  • Guest commented
    August 10, 2020 18:41

    you can click all the reports for the same patient then locate patient it automatically filed all reports to the patient's chart all at once.

  • Guest commented
    May 09, 2019 19:45

    If I'm not mistaken, if you have a few in a row then you can highlight them all and then locate patient. (hold the shift button and click)