QHR Product Ideas

The spirit of the QHR ideas portal is to collect ideas and feedback from our users for integrations, enhancements, and new features.

We want to hear from you, and encourage you to submit, comment, and vote!

Please note that this site is not regularly monitored, and that there may be a delay in response to your submissions.

QHR reserves the right to choose what is built into the application, and it is the intention of QHR to build the software to meet the needs of the marketplace.

User Resources:

For further support, please reach out to Accuro Client Services:

Interested in connecting with us for user research, or participating in user testing? You can sign-up by filling out this web form, and we will reach out to you for feedback when we're evaluating new ideas.

Very Urgent or Urgent Tasks Alert

It would be important to have the pop-up for a Very Urgent or Urgent task or message pop-up anytime throughout using Accuro and not just when a user logs on. Sometimes, throughout a workday, our providers are sending these very urgent tasks/messages to their assistants as they want it dealt with right away. When we are running busy offices, we don't always go into our messages and tasks. The other thing to consider would be having the small Message or Task icons flash or change colour to red while that very urgent task or message is in the assigned user's in-box.

  • Shelley Luciw
  • Feb 3 2023
  • Needs Review
  • Attach files
  • Shelley Luciw commented
    March 03, 2023 00:47

    Thank you Lara. I'm thinking it is more of an issue with the tasks not popping up. I have noticed that the messaging does have a bit of a delay, but does come up finally. I did contact customer service and was told to post on the ideas portal.

  • Lara Eichhorn commented
    February 08, 2023 21:23

    They pop up for me immediately when sent and I use them to send the doctor urgent things too (it seems like he gets them right away). I looked around, but I can't figure out what setting might change that. You might want to call customer support.