QHR Product Ideas

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Switching letter recipient to saved primary care provider and saved pharmacy without having to search.

Switching letter recipient to saved primary care provider and saved pharmacy without having to search.

I believe this is a safety issue until addressed, due to unnecessary risk of error. When generating a letter, Accuro defaults to the referring MD, which seems reasonable when you send your first consult response. However, writing a separate letter to the patient's family doctor (as you would for follow-up letters) or writing to the patient's pharmacy (as you would for specific correspondence to the pharmacy) requires the user to go into the Address Book and use the search function to try to match things up with what is on file.

My old Libre EMR does it very well (photo attached RecipientSwitch1.jpg).

Accuro doesn't have that function and makes us click this little blue magnifying glass to try to find the family MD or pharmacy if we want to address the letter to them. See RecipientSwitch2.jpg for an example of how Accuro is less flexible when it comes to switching from the referring provider, primary care provider, and pharmacy.

I also propose that every patient have their primary care provider and pharmacy already available as listed contacts when we try to fax anything. See RecipientSwitch3.jpg for an example of how it should look.

  • Christopher Parr
  • May 6 2024
  • Needs Review
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    • Guest commented
      May 10, 2024 04:36

      This is a safety issue!