QHR Product Ideas

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Correct referring doctor autopopulate

When booking a referral for a patient already in the system, I update the referring doctor when updating demos. When I book an appointment it always defaults back to the original ref doc which should should pull the new ref doctor as a new patient entry does. I often forget to check and generate a notice to the doctor but even though it knows to fax to the right office, it says on the letter the wrong doctor.

  • Dec 15 2020
  • Needs Clarity
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Lauren Romano commented
      December 21, 2020 21:07

      Hi Rachel, like Jacqueline mentioned this definitely sounds like something that can be resolved. Either in the Template setup, or with the order of the actions you are taking.

      Give us a call at 1-866-729-8889

    • Jacqueline Hunter commented
      December 15, 2020 21:30

      Hey Rachel, this is actually a really easy fix and just has to do with how your letter are formatted. Call into accuro help (option 6) and they can probably show you how to change your formatting.